CK Pig


Beautifully simple,
Simply beautiful.

As with one of the most influential authorities, nothing less would be acceptable in the manufacturing of our handmade bespoke shaker style kitchens. Craftsmanship throughout is the order of the day. When setting out to design and create the Charlie Kingham furniture and handmade bespoke kitchen collections, I had one vision in mind. Not just the most desirable conceptions, the finest colours and the greatest ironmongery, but the complete package.


“Wood is universally beautiful to man. It is the most humanly intimate of all materials”

An original Frank Lloyd Wright quote that kind of lays bare our soul in exposing the source from where our true passion for creating bespoke kitchens stems and flows.

As with one of the most influential authorities, nothing less would be acceptable in the manufacturing of our handmade bespoke shaker style kitchens. Craftsmanship throughout is the order of the day and our cabinetmakers are at the heart of the magic.

When setting out to design and create the Charlie Kingham furniture and handmade bespoke kitchen collections, I had one vision in mind. Not just the most desirable conceptions, the finest colours and the greatest ironmongery, but the complete package.

If you are going to fabricate the very best furniture, you really must have the most unparalleled production team. This was unachievable without the utilisation of the foremost cabinetmakers and installation craftsmen. I will expand in the following journal about our artisan fitters, but for now would like to concentrate on the cabinetry team and their work environment.

With the creation of the custom kitchen designer team, the obvious next matter of importance was surely the manufacturing process, construction methods and the materials proposed for the finished furniture?

From the dovetailed drawers through to the mortice and tenon joints and the technically innovative CNC propositions, all of our devoted, accomplished and masterful cabinetmakers are fully practiced in the use of both the traditional and modern joinery techniques employed within the creation of your fine cabinetry.

To follow on from that and in support of the aforementioned are the ‘ingredients’. The elements so important in the creation of the finest furniture.

The finest materials used in the fabrication of your hand painted bespoke kitchen will have all undergone a thorough scrutinisation. Being fully researched, and responsibly sourced for their sustainability.

With all that in place, it’s now time to cut some wood: construction time.

Order of the day? A slick operation running like a well-oiled machine. The production line is made up of several highly skilled and experienced departments. Each section, ranging from the CNC operators, moulding profilers, joiners, curved cabinetry specialists and wood finishers, right through to  the paint shop, all maintain an unrivalled integrity you come to associate with the Charlie Kingham name.

Nothing short of the premium tools and machines are employed in the fashioning of our cabinetry. Our craftsman operating these would accept no less. This combination affords us the opportunity to offer you not just an outstanding product, but an even greater service.

Which leads up to the last and probably one of the most important stages. The completion and delivery. It is all well and good producing some of the finest furniture if it is not ‘fetched’ to you in a timely manner. “Better late than never” is not a motto, it’s an excuse and one we don’t care much for.

Delivering to you on an agreed date is something we have never taken lightly. Our dedicated transportation operatives will take the utmost care, fully aware of their responsibility to hand over an unimpaired and intact delivery. The dream bespoke kitchen will be very carefully packaged with full protection to safeguard it on its final journey to its new keeper.

Why would we offer you any less?

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